Toon Strike
Available at Amsterdam and Delft
This game is an immersive adventure shooter in which you and your team travel through different virtual locations on the hunt for evil creatures. ToonStrike is a mix of action and adventure!
This is the perfect entry-level game for the beginner VR player. The game adapts automatically in terms of difficulty to the level of the players. Once you get the hang of it, more evil creatures will follow!
The recommended age for this game is 10+.
After the first attacks, you are sent to the city to protect the people that live there. Soon you’ll discover that you’ve taken on a bit more than you were planning on, but thanks to a brave escape on top of a skyscraper you find an abandoned bank that seems safe.
Thanks to a team of clever scientists you discover the source of the problem. You will need to go to a top-secret military base in the middle of the desert to learn more.After the first attacks, you are sent to the city to protect the people that live there.
After surviving a huge attack at the military base, you discover that everything started at this base! The scientists collect samples and they create an antidote. Now you just need to stroll through a nearby town on the way home. How hard could that be?
is your squad ready?
Invite your friends and try to beat the highscore at a Lightning VR of your choosing.